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Bob Jones Memorial Bible College and Graduate Seminary (BJMBC) holds to the historic distinctives of Christian fundamentalists and seeks to carefully practice biblical separation from the world, false teachers, and blatantly disobedient brethren. We believe in in-depth exegesis of Scripture and its fervent exposition; a Biblical philosophy and excellence in every area of the Lord's work; prayerful Spirit-dependence and godliness in every area of life; and the urgency of proclaiming the gospel and making disciples for Jesus Christ in every nation.


BJMBC hosts seminars and conferences to help ourselves and others be spiritually enlightened and challenged by faithful Bible exposition and practical wisdom regarding issues facing Christianity today. We have the privilege to fellowship with and hear from godly men and women who walk with God, know His Word, and have been effective instruments in His hand. These seminars and conferences do not substitute for the local church's ministry but encourage revival through a twice-a-year, multi-day concentration on a certain theme or issue.


A "PRISM" reflects the light at a different angle (called "refraction"). Thus the PRISM conferences and seminars seek to beautifully reflect the light of God’s Word and change believers through various biblical insights, perhaps explained at a different angle than you have previously considered. The purpose is to enlighten you, refresh you, and help transform you more into the image of Christ and His glory.

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